When to Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

When to Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Our top priority at McQuillan Bros is the comfort and safety of our customers. We want to make sure that you aren’t experiencing any HVAC issues and achieving greater efficiency and value. Our St Paul air conditioning techs will ensure that your system is running properly and keeping you and your family comfortable without a hefty bill at the end of each month. This can be achieved through basic air conditioning repair, air conditioning maintenance, or air conditioning replacement. One of our favorite tools to ensure that your HVAC system is working well is smart thermostats. Continue reading this article to learn when to upgrade to a smart thermostat in your home. 

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Smart Thermostats

The programmable thermostat is a similar device that we frequently recommend to our customers. The programmable thermostat requires someone in the household to actively move the temperature dial any time you wish to change it. You may schedule your heating and cooling needs, depending on your regular hours. Additionally, you’ll be able to lower energy consumption while out of the house. You may even access the thermostat from anywhere using your smartphone and make changes as needed using smart modern thermostat alternatives.

Here are a few specific advantages of programmable or smart thermostats, as well as reasons why you should definitely consider upgrading to one:

Equipment Lifespan

The HVAC system accumulates stress and strain over time due to a variety of variables, the most important of which is the period of time they are run for. The more hours an HVAC system or component is in use, the faster it will wear down and begin to operate poorly.

smart thermostat is really useful in this situation. If everyone leaves the house for many hours each day, for example, you may configure the thermostat schedule to reduce operation during certain times of day, saving significant wear and strain on the components. You can do the same with regard to sleep schedules or any other factor you want.

Decreases HVAC Repair Costs

Similarly, limiting wear and tear on the system lowers the number of repairs that will be required. Not only will the system last longer, but it will do so without the need for costly heating and air conditioning repairs.

Best Energy Savings

Finally, another immediate advantage of using a programmable or smart thermostat is the energy savings. According to research, properly used programmable thermostats can save up to 30% on monthly heating and cooling expenditures. Additionally, every degree you may reduce the thermostat in winter, for example, corresponds to a 3% energy savings. You are both saving money and helping the environment by reducing your energy consumption. Our friends at Gilmore Heating, Air, and Plumbing, one of the best Sacramento HVAC companies, say energy savings is the biggest selling point for homeowners. Save money where you can!

To learn more about the advantages of a programmable or smart thermostat, or to inquire about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, contact McQuillan Bros today! We’re proudly serving the St. Paul area and beyond! If you want to really save on home services, check out our Home Care Club!

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