Scheduled Your Seasonal HVAC Maintenance with McQuillan Bros
Seasonal HVAC maintenance is vital to ensuring that the system works efficiently and reliably while keeping energy costs minimal. However, some homeowners don’t know where to start in terms of seasonal HVAC maintenance, and the discussion below is aimed at helping you to know what needs to be done, when and by whom.
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HVAC Maintenance and Safety Concerns
At McQuillan Bros, we are particularly concerned about two safety issues with regard to seasonal HVAC maintenance. The first has to do with the problems which can result once your heating and cooling system isn’t properly maintained. For example, Blaine HVAC experts say it is easy for a crack to form on a furnace and remain undetected if annual maintenance isn’t performed on the heating system. Such a crack can leak carbon monoxide into your home, and your household may be in grave danger due to this toxic gas that is odorless. Furthermore, electric systems can short-circuit, and this can pose electrical fire risks to your home and family. Furnace installation MN technicians have seen many tragedies arising out of such electrical defects, so don’t let your home add to the statistics. The second safety concern has to do with DIY attempts to maintain the HVAC system. Many homeowners don’t know where to draw the line between what they can do and what should strictly be left to a Blaine HVAC contractor. Some maintenance tasks, such as replacing air filters, are basic, and they can be performed by anyone, while other maintenance tasks, such as testing the controls of the HVAC system, are technical and can only be done safely by a professional. With McQuillan Bros as your HVAC service partner, you will know what you can or cannot do while keeping your heating and cooling system working at its best.Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tasks for Professionals
A Blaine heating and cooling professional will perform the following seasonal HVAC maintenance tasks to prepare the system for either the heating or cooling season ahead:- Inspecting all electrical terminals, wires, and connections to ensure none are loose or corroded.
- Lubricating the moving parts so that they can move effortlessly and without using a lot of energy.
- Checking the refrigerant level to ensure it is optimal
- Inspecting and cleaning all the major components in addition to ensuring they are damage-free
- Ensuring that the airflow within the components meets manufacturer specifications for efficiency
- Testing the controls to ensure they are working as they should
- Checking the thermostat for accuracy
- Checking the coils to ensure grime accumulation doesn’t impede heat transfer
- Clearing the condensate drain to avoid water damage or system shutdown once water stagnates in the line.
Homeowner Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tasks
Here are some maintenance tasks that you can perform to ensure that your HVAC system works properly all-year-round.- Checking and replacing the air filter. The energy consumption of your unit can increase by up to 60% with a dirty filter. The filter plays a big role in maintaining the indoor air quality and the efficiency of the HVAC system. We recommend checking your air filter monthly.
- Sealing air leaks. Any leak in your home allows the conditioned air to escape to the outside. That means that your HVAC system will work a lot harder than it should to maintain ideal conditions inside your home. Placerville plumbing and heating professionals, therefore, recommend that you periodically check the house envelop for leaks and seal those leaks in order to get the best from your HVAC system.
- Keep the unit clean. It is also a good idea to wipe down your HVAC system periodically. This will ensure that any accumulation of dust and grime can be removed in a timely manner. Otherwise, heat exchange may be tampered with, and the efficiency of your unit will be compromised. Not to mention its durability (as it will suffer premature wear and tear).
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